Embodied Vulnerabilities in Literature and Film

Edited by Cristina M. Gamez Fernandez and Miriam Fernandez Santiago


Precarity in Culture

Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures

Edited by Elisabetta Marino and Bootheina Majoul

June 2022

The Body by the Shore

A Novel by Tabish Khair

October 2021

Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postmodern World

Edited by Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Marion Gymnich and Klaus P. Schneider


Re-Orientalism and Indian Writing in English

Lisa Lau and Om Prakash Dwivedi


Human Rights in Postcolonial India

Edited by Om Prakash Dwivedi and V.G. Julie Rajan


Indian Writing in English and the Global Literary Market

Edited by Om Prakash Dwivedi and Lisa Lau